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    Sustainable Distribution of Wealth In current terms, the phrases “Distribution of Wealth” and “Redistribution of Wealth” conjure up images of an oppressive governmental tax regime that tends to punish people for success while “rewarding” people however inefficiently and even by paltry standards, who do not produce or contribute greatly to society. No matter which side of the debate the individual may take personally, both arguments have some merit. Those people who are in need are given such paltry sums as to make any effort to improve their lives more than meaningless to the point of being detrimental to their ability to provide for themselves and their families.Many of those people who are successful, may (rightfully) complain about the large sums taken from them, especially given the amount that pays for nothing more than the bloated bureaucracies necessary to feed such a system while such a small amount makes it to those people who are the most in need.

    Assuming for the moment, that the arguments and debates from both sides are correct to any degree, the question must be asked, is there a means to create a viable distribution of wealth that would directly benefit the people while at the same time doing so in such a way so as not to excessively punish those who are successful, contributing members of society? As to the question about whether or not there is a more equitable means for distributing the wealth in such a way as to directly benefit those most in need while at the same time, allowing the successful to keep more of what they produce, the answer is a very resounding yes. The only question remaining is whether or not the world governments and the International Monetary organizations will allow for the implementation of such programs.

    The entire purpose behind the Heritage Funds was to assist the people originally impacted during the wars of the last century. The Bank for International Settlement was likewise established as a means to create a transition from a war-time economy to a peace-time economy through the equitable distribution of funds as were created by the introduction of the Historical Assets into the markets across the globe. What the Global Infrastructure, Development and International Finance Agency has done is to take the next step and create a more wholly stable, permanent, peacetime, supplementary financial system to not only stabilize the current global economy but also to allow for the same level of financial assistance to be set up for all of the people throughout the world in the same way as the original programs were established by the International Organizations in full cooperation with the governments of the world. In reality, all of the Heritage Assets around the world are backed up by Reserves in the form of Gold and other Precious Metals and Gems. These assets were lawfully traded by the governments of the world for some fifty years with the proceeds ostensibly to help with the transition from wartime to peacetime.

    While some of these funds have found their way back to those people who are most in need, the vast majority of these funds have remained dormant or been put to other uses not originally allowed for in the International Treaties or agreements. While individual nations may have gone to war and the plagues of terrorism and social unrest continue unabated in other locations, the world as a whole has not been on a wartime stance in quite some time. Given that fact and the fact that the treaties mostly expired in 2005 and/or 2012, it is past time for these Heritage Funds, these Historical Assets and the Reserves to be put back into the trading system directly for the benefit of the people of the world as was originally intended.

    In its role as an International Finance Agency, the Global Infrastructure, Development and International Finance Agency is establishing the means to redeem all of the historical assets of the world, pay off or forgive the Global Debt including all international debts, national debts and even debts on the local and individual level. At such a time as the global debt is reduced to a manageable level or abolished entirely, these individual accounts can then be utilized for their original purpose for the provisions of basic housing needs, free or low-cost medical care and health services, free educational opportunities as well as the necessary infrastructure for the successful continuation of such programs for the people around the globe. As the infrastructure is developed, these same funds that were initially utilized for the construction of the infrastructure can then be utilized for the expansion of programs for the people of the world.

    The financial benefit for any of the nations who would be willing to work with such a treaty would be truly incredible on levels that are difficult to imagine. Not only would they be in a position to reset their economic system to a starting point with absolutely no debt, they would also be in a very unique position to fully fund their government without the need to establish any major tax base. The governments can be funded in much the same way as the individual with funds coming from the trade of assets assigned specifically to that government. The monies that previously had to be gathered by the means of taxation can now be left in the hands of the people to spend, increasing GDP and strengthening the national economy in turn. As those monies are spent and circulated through the national economy and as the economy strengthens, the median quality of life will go up for everyone involved and the economic benefits for the individual and the nation will increase exponentially.

Asset Redemption Program

           Asset Redemption

    While there are many Specialized Agencies of the United Nations tasked with various functions in regards to Humanitarian Causes, Infrastructure, Development and even matters of Global Finance, GIDIFA is the only one duly Authorized to run the Historical Asset..


GIDIFA Educational Programs

Educational Programs
        Educational Programs

    Education is one of the primary keys in the eradication of poverty around the globe. Unfortunately, the educational systems that are available in far too many locations are more than just lacking. One of the primary focuses of GIDIFA is the provision of viable.


GIDIFA Construction Programs

Innovative Construction Technologies
Innovative Construction Technologies

The Global Infrastructure, Development and International Finance Agency uses a wide array of state-of-the-art and innovative Construction Technologies for a great many purposes. Among the most important considerations are safe and secure housing.

GIDIFA Orphanages

Ending Poverty and Homelessness
Ending Poverty and Homelessness

 As one of the United Nations Specialized Agencies tasked with ending poverty and homelessness around the world, the Global Infrastructure, Development and International Finance Agency is working to drastically change the way that orphans are cared for,

Indigenous and Tribal Programs

Indigenous and Tribal Programs
Indigenous and Tribal Programs

  The situation for the Indigenous People of the world is unique by some standards though they have much in common with many of the underclass and overlooked citizens all around the globe. While there may be some cases where the...

Cyber and Technological Communities

Technological Communities
  Technological Communities

 All of the Integrated Community Developments of GIDIFA (a UN Specialized Agency) will complete, communal locations and as such, will have large infrastructures along many lines. The concept of focusing entire communities around certain, more limited fields, ...

Global Infrastructure, Development & International Finance Agency

    Originally established in 1994, the Global Infrastructure, Development and International Finance Agency was established as a Sovereign Entity and Specialized Agency to create and implement a more equitable method for the distribution and supply of wealth among all of the peoples of the world in accordance and compliance with the instruments set forth as International Treaties.